Posted in Emotions, Experience, Feelings, Human spirit, Inspiration, Life, Life lessons, Mother nature, Motivation,, My story, Purpose driven, Self help, Spiritual awakening, Wisdom

Spiritual awakening – Stage 5 

This stage had a big calling for me and it was said to be the stage of developing your spiritual gifts. The beginning of seeking a deeper connection with the source as you continue to tap into new learnings and miracles that are unfolding right before your eyes. Even though stage 5 is your main stage at this point, it is not uncommon to experience previous learnings and stages at the same time. You are just further in the process with more things making sense and coming full circle. But more about this later which is better described in stage 6.
Typical events experienced during this stage include:
Meditating – I believe meditation comes in many different forms. Most people might envision a person sitting on the ground, legs crossed in front of them with their eyes closed. To me, meditation was everything that calmed my soul and gave me peace of mind. It was something that I found in doing the things I loved whether it was doing art, listening to music or in my voracious reading attempts. It was fuel for my soul, but the most peaceful feeling I experienced out of all, was when I was in nature and felt as if I had returned home. And while I experienced joy in all activities, it was always nature that evoked that deep breath and a deep sigh of renewal. As if I was reborn and had acquired the strength to continue in real life and reality. 
It tied in with the experience of other mindful activities that were described which could also include yoga and Qigong. 
Creating was another, including painting, writing, singing etc. This one was huge for me as well with some activities spanning over several years. The paintings started after Sparky’s death and a talent or passion for such had prior been undiscovered. So did the writing and it was just recently that I had been inspired to pursue my passion of becoming a storyteller, a healer, somebody to share their own experiences in the hopes of benefitting others. I wrote a few times before but never at the level I am doing now and this blog is still in its infant stages. 
Other example events were studying healing modalities such Reiki. Honing your intuition by doing your own angel card readings. Strengthening your relationship with your spiritual guides and wanting to heal the world. 
Big daunting tasks that might seem overwhelming and you might ask yourself “Me, little ole me….heal the world”?. How exactly am I going to do that? I sure spend some time thinking about it and I have come to the conclusion that all I can ever do, is to do my part. To find my place and hopefully inspire a few along the way. I’m one, standing against the many who are still asleep, but I’m not alone and everybody has the potential to make a difference and contribute in their own way. Asleep or awake, we each have to find our own path and together we become the many that impact our daily life’s. 
Typical emotions expressed during this stage are said to be joy and eagerness, feeling the reconnection with yourself through your higher source. Finding your purpose and what you were meant to do, wanting to share your gift with others. It was a time things began to make more sense as it left me at a better vantage point to explain the emotions and experiences that I was living through. Intuitions materialized and premonitions became true. In many ways I felt as if I had become my own healer. I was on to improving my health and to live a healthier life style. Be more aware of healing foods and strangely, here too, it was that I searched the all knowing web and felt many times as if I had read these articles before. Or maybe I was doing something already without ever reading it. Being guided as if an inner voice was steering me. It was strange and it was something I couldn’t explain at the time. And then Pinterest came to my aid once more and I came across the mentioning of being an “Old soul” and a whole new roam to explore. 


We are the co-creators of our life and the time is now. More than ever are we needed to support Mother Earth and each other. Together we discover and explore our unique gifts in times of strengths, in times we lean on each other, and in times when we learn from each other. This blog started as an outlet and what I ultimately called my “Warriors Journey.” It was a way to document the ups and downs of my life, sharing my hardships as well as my successes. It showcased the struggles, but more important the ways of how to overcome them. Although we are warriors each and every day, I realized that having to be a warrior, comes from a place of pain. I decided to rename this blog, and “Phoenix Rising” now stands for the story of overcoming such a painful place. My motivation for this blog hasn’t changed and I hope to share inspiration and hope, to create a sense of belonging, a space of being heard, and connecting with like minded beings who instill a sense of oneness. We are never alone, and we are unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire. Who I am in a nutshell... 
I am an energy healer and Reiki Master. I am surviving a chronic disease that I’ve sent into remission three times since my initial bout, 15 years ago. I continuously challenge the status quo and by doing so I change my stars. I am a believer that anything is possible. I am a hopeless romantic and I believe that true love exists on various levels. I am an optimist that will always see the glass as half full. I am a dreamer, believing in endless possibilities. Not even the sky is the limit. I have jumped off of the hamster wheel, and I am writing a new chapter. I am chasing my Nirvana to support my most authentic self. This is my story, I am that Phoenix and I am rising from the ashes. Namaste 🙏🏼💙🦋

31 thoughts on “Spiritual awakening – Stage 5 

  1. I love your perspective on meditation and how you believe it is doing the things that you love and things that bring you peace. That’s good news for me because I have always wanted to start meditating, but it is pretty challenging for me to sit still.
    You are on a wonderful track with your spiritual awakening!
    ❤ Alana

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thank you, your words mean so much.
      To me meditation is finding inner peace, to stop the noise and to find joy in what you are doing. It’s good for the soul, your well being and as long as you are pursuing and don’t forget to feed your soul in a life that can get quiet hectic, I believe you allow yourself to experience life with a deeper meaning. So if I could say anything, I would say “Find your happy and pursue it as often as possible”
      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment ❤️

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      1. Thank you for the advice in meditation. I think one of my goals for the New Year is to incorporate meditation into my life more. I am trying hard to clean up my nutrition and my friends are suggesting to focus on creating a habit of eating clean before adding strenuous workouts. I think meditation would be a good enhancement. Thanks for sharing your journey!
        ❤ Alana

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are very welcome and thank you for caring and taking a moment. I think your plans are great and you can start as little or as big as you feel comfortable. You can always layer on once a habit is created and build upon it. Meditation in which ever from will bring you the peace and balance to see it through and stay motivated. Good luck in your journey 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed a lot reading your post… about meditation and awakening. I think in a way there’s a secret line connecting all people awakening creating a new system even if we don’t know it. So keep going trough this path… And amazing photo too… i’ll be reading your posts about awakening these days, I began with the last one abut next time I’ll begin with the first! 🙂 a big hug from Spain! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you very much, your feedback always means the world to me.
    I know life is hectic for you as well and I know you read when you have time. I’m already looking forward to your thoughts and know somehow that you can relate in many ways.
    Thank you for the hug 😉 I needed it preparing for another busy day at work and sending a great big one right back at you. 🌹🌹🌹


  4. I meditate in a very similar way. One my my favourite times is driving to and from work. I turn the music off and get 45 minutes of peace and quiet. Strange thing but the traffic doesn’t affect me and the journey becomes very enjoyable.

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  5. Your perspective on medication is exactly how I see it. I find that when I’m in a state of complete peace, it really can be anywhere I want, doing what it is that I like. Everyone is different and it’s important that people understand that! One shouldn’t feel discouraged if they cannot sit down and meditate like they think it’s supposed to be.


    Diary Girl

    I love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is wonderful and your kind words have made my night. Thank you so much and you are absolutely right and as long as you can achieve a state of peace, you are where you need to be. I’m glad you have discovered that for yourself and found what brings you that serenity.
      Thank you for the follow Diary Girl, hugs.
      PS. I will write soon about the remaining steps of spiritual awakening and hope you will find something helpful to relate as well.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I just finished reading a book about old souls and it all makes perfect sense. I’m sure that you are an old soul as well, I can tell somehow. Intuition knows.
      I will share my findings soon and will cover the last two steps of spiritual awakening as soon as the craziness slows down a bit. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much and you are very welcome. Of course these are my own experiences and I understand that experiences will vary from person to person. I still find that there can be something helpful, perhaps something we can relate to each other and just like you, I find it interesting, reassuring and comforting to know that we are not alone.
      I can’t wait to read more about your own posts and get familiar with your blog. Thank you again for stopping by and taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My blog started yesterday and I am working on it, I am still learning how to figuring out on what do when it comes to saying what I feel on paper. It’s hard to put your feelings out there when you think that others are going to tell you something maybe that you don’t want to hear. But then again, that doesn’t matter in the end. What matters is what my heart is telling me to say at this time. I would love to get to know you in the sense of your thoughts and views on what makes you feel them words that you are writing. I know that you can’t spill all the beans out, but I love to learn from people that want to take the time to show me. That is what life is about the human connection. And that is becoming a lost art.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Welcome to the world of blogging, it’s a great outlet for your feelings and my blog is still fairly new and in the building stages. Yes it can be hard to put your feelings out there, but only if you are afraid of being judged or fear you won’t be accepted. I’ve shed those feelings a long time ago and learned we can’t always control what happens, but we can always try to influence. The rest is up to everyone to decide. I’m glad you are here and that you have found this outlet for whatever reason or purpose it will serve you. I will read your entires / posts tomorrow after an super early day at work and touch base with you.
    I agree about the human connection and you can ask me anything in regards to my posts. I’m glad if I can help in any way.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Loved the way you described your experience ..Since we are talking about meditation, I would like to add that though most of the people want to do Meditation but they don’t know how & from where to start.

    Well here’s my small effort to help you commence – Learn extremely effective Meditation technique in just 4 minutes !

    Liked by 1 person

      1. that is so very true with most of us ..Having said that, see even a non spiritual guy feels blissful when on vacations in a wonderful place with abundance of nature around- mountains,rivers etc…but a spiritually awakened guy remains blissful amidst the choas of daily routine – jobs,bosses,deadlines,health issues etc etc

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Very true and I outlined it in one of the steps when finding pleasure in the mundane. Nature is a weekly balance to my hectic life, a balance if you will and I believe that the seven stages of spiritual awakening has opened my eyes while helping me through a lot of those challenges.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dear Rhapsody , this concept of seven stages of spiritual awakening is really interesting and I would love to hear more from you regarding this..very politely but straightaway, I would like to ask you that during your spiritual journey ,have you ever experienced anything beyond the physical world,something divine or cosmic which cannot be explained by some logic..any so -called other world experience ?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I have and you will find my posts explaining each step with my own experiences if you look through my blog. I recently made a post called “Wide awake” where I summed all stages of my spiritual awakening with the links found to those previous posts on the bottom.
        of these stages up again.

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