Posted in Emotions, Experience, Feelings, Human spirit, Inspiration, Life, Life lessons, Motivation,, My story, Purpose driven, Self help, Spiritual awakening, Wisdom

Spiritual awakening – Stage 3 

Stage 3 in the process of spiritual awakening is “The journey of discovery”. It was and continues to be by far one of the biggest stages for me. As I continue to write about my journey, I know will link back to is post when I write about the various examples I was lucky to experience. It would become an endless post at this point and I think you will relate to it better in shorter bits of information. It reminds me a little of the phrase that you are never done with your learning in life. It’s ongoing and new events are added as your field of awareness expands and new information streams in. You simply experience different levels of being awake as your life unfolds in front of you. Your curiosity grows and you can no longer deny or dismiss what is going on, even though you are not quiet sure of what it is you are experiencing.
Some events experienced during this stage could include synchronicities, otherwise called coincidences of a divine source that is knocking on your door. Depending on the stage of your awakening, you might dismiss these signs as mere coincidences or you become more aware of these divine nudges that can vary in intensity. They often manifest in unique ways we can’t explain but which leave us astonished and surprised. It may even be the beginning of believing in the magic of it all. It was for me and it was also the beginning of my surrender.
Synchronicities or coincidences can include:

Have you ever come across a quote at the perfect time?

Has somebody entered your life at a specific time to enrich it and fuel your purpose? You may not know it at the time and you might not understand the connection you feel for that person, but people enter your life for a reason and nothing is a coincidence or accident. It’s divine intervention at its best.

Have you ever run into somebody you know unexpected, maybe in the least unlikeliest of places?

Has somebody called you out of the blue or you reconnected with somebody after many years?
Take a moment and pause, listen to what is being said and figure out what it is you are suppose to learn.
Coincidence or divine nudges? I have read that when you experience these synchronicities, it is the inner workings of your soul showing up in your outside physical world.

Hocus – Pokus you might think, but the more you listen and believe in the events of this divine source, the more likely it is that they will multiple in your life. You see, I believe that life if trying to show us miracles at all times, but it is up to us to simply notice and even more so – act upon them.
You might also experience premonitions and hunches coming true.

Prophetic dreams and visions can be another sign where you see and hear things others don’t.
I don’t remember prophetic dreams and visions as I seldom remember my dreams, but all other signs were experienced in varying degrees. I often had hunches as if I had experienced something before, even though I never had. There was a strange sense of familiarity, and it was that very feeling that helped me remain calm, trusting the universe to guide me. I had tons of coincidences which still happen today and today I am a believer. These synchronicities tie into my previous posts called the “Journey of my warrior” and “A series of non-coincidental events” which now make perfect sense.
Emotions experienced during this stage were said to be:
Thrills and chills: An uneasy or uncomfortable feeling each time you connected with the spirit realm. I didn’t experienced this too much and I think it was due to being in a surrendering mode, a process of being guided vs, resisting what was happening. As previously mentioned it wasn’t necessarily something I understood at the time as it required “The journey of discovery”.

Isolation: Not knowing where to turn and feeling uncomfortable sharing your experiences with friends and family. I kept mainly to myself before I gained enough knowledge and understanding to share it.
It remains to be a topic that can make others uncomfortable, perhaps it comes across as foreign, something that is hard to relate to and has to be experienced and gain some insight from the outside. Timing is everything, and it is crucial with so many things in life. This was no different. Summarizing this stage I would say that you have to be ready and it can’t be forced. There is not much you can do besides being in control of your mindset. The experiences of your life shape your path of when and how you wake up, but it is you who is in control of choosing your frame of mind. Whether you chose to be a optimist or a pessimist? Whether you struggle or surrender? Whether you let life enrich you or be defined?

You decide as it is your life to live. The choice is personal and determined by your own personal path. It doesn’t have to fit others and fit in with their choices. Your life is as unique to you as you are unique amongst millions, so don’t be afraid of fitting in.

Because…..In the end, one thing is for certain and that is that nobody can live your life but YOU? ❤️


We are the co-creators of our life and the time is now. More than ever are we needed to support Mother Earth and each other. Together we discover and explore our unique gifts in times of strengths, in times we lean on each other, and in times when we learn from each other. This blog started as an outlet and what I ultimately called my “Warriors Journey.” It was a way to document the ups and downs of my life, sharing my hardships as well as my successes. It showcased the struggles, but more important the ways of how to overcome them. Although we are warriors each and every day, I realized that having to be a warrior, comes from a place of pain. I decided to rename this blog, and “Phoenix Rising” now stands for the story of overcoming such a painful place. My motivation for this blog hasn’t changed and I hope to share inspiration and hope, to create a sense of belonging, a space of being heard, and connecting with like minded beings who instill a sense of oneness. We are never alone, and we are unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire. Who I am in a nutshell... 
I am an energy healer and Reiki Master. I am surviving a chronic disease that I’ve sent into remission three times since my initial bout, 15 years ago. I continuously challenge the status quo and by doing so I change my stars. I am a believer that anything is possible. I am a hopeless romantic and I believe that true love exists on various levels. I am an optimist that will always see the glass as half full. I am a dreamer, believing in endless possibilities. Not even the sky is the limit. I have jumped off of the hamster wheel, and I am writing a new chapter. I am chasing my Nirvana to support my most authentic self. This is my story, I am that Phoenix and I am rising from the ashes. Namaste 🙏🏼💙🦋

5 thoughts on “Spiritual awakening – Stage 3 

    1. Hi Melanie, thank you so much for your kind words and the follow. You have definitely made my day right before I have to start work and I’m soaring high.
      I have glanced at your blog which looks amazing and is right up my alley. Of course I had to follow you as it looks like we have much in common and I can’t wait to have more time to read and learn more about you and your adventures.
      Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YES blogger friends are the best! It’s so fun to meet new people and see their travels and pictures from different parts of the world! Looking forward to future posts as well! Thank you for the kind words! Happy blogging to you!

        Liked by 1 person

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