Posted in Energy healing, Love, Pain

The wounded Healer

Earlier this year I completed my level 1-2, Reiki master course. Since, I have taken a few other courses in energy healing, chakra tuning, and sound therapy. It’s common sense for everyone to tell you that practicing what you have learned is essential for things to bake, in other words to stick with you. Otherwise you would forget everything like you have never learned it.

From the very beginning it became apparent that I somehow adapted my own kind of healing concept. I went with the core essentials, such as scanning your own energy, connecting to source, setting the intentions, etc., but I also listened to my own intuition so I could incorporate what felt right to me. I guess you could say that I tuned in to what I was called to. What was important to me was to to use gift, what I have learned and to have the best intentions possible, while coming from a place of love.

Initially my head was too much in the logical world. Trying to remember the sequence of things, worrying about potentially forgetting a step, you name it. I was trying too hard and took it too seriously. It should be taken seriously, but there is a different sense of serious now, a different level of respect, that can only be fueled by love and compassion if you want to perform it at the highest level. The sessions given by me and the feedback received, was always powerful, and yet in hindsight I know that for myself there was something missing. Something I couldn’t have put my finger on until just recently. Now I know that I just simply wasn’t broken and wounded enough. I couldn’t have performed at that level, even though my soul already knew that I could. The mindset never even went there, because the mind wasn’t even aware of this level existing. So what changed?

I consider myself an empath, one that always had a great deal of compassion and insight for others. But that wasn’t enough I think. I have grown and I would lie if I said that the past month and Moms passing hasn’t been one of the most painful experiences one will ever endure. On an emotional pain level it is hard to categorize as there is nothing to compare it with.

I have learned at a whole different level that pain shapes us, and that something beautiful can emerge between the cracks if we allow it. The actual cracks are no scars, but beauty marks of our growth. Kind of like wrinkles and gray hair that many will despise as a nuisance and sign of getting older. Have you ever considered that it is a privilege denied to many? Our cracks are beautiful and allow your light from within to shine through.

I believe that every powerful healer has been through tremendous pain, or has to go through these experiences at some point. To be broken, falling apart, and left with a choice of how to put the pieces back together. Left behind with a decision of whether the cracks are a nuisance and bothersome, or a way to be worn proudly for they have shaped you into who you are. It takes great sorrow to appreciate happiness, darkness to see the light, and something so powerful to break you open to feel everything at a level like never before. There, in vulnerability and nakedness to the world, to the society around you, that has judged your every move, to the friends that have betrayed you and took name in ill will behind your back, right there it is time to answer…

Are you proud of who you are? Who’s drumbeat are you dancing to and do you have the courage to change your stars?

I discovered this difference in a recent healing session here in Germany. There were many subtle changes during the two hours spent, but what stands out the most is the mind stepping out of the way. It was present to observe but no longer interfered. The energy was so full of love and there were was no worry about missing a step, or wondering about what was next. We both felt it as we were overcome with these powerful emotions and deep in my heart I know that o have ascended, that I am on my way of being and embracing with love as compassion the wounded healer.


We are the co-creators of our life and the time is now. More than ever are we needed to support Mother Earth and each other. Together we discover and explore our unique gifts in times of strengths, in times we lean on each other, and in times when we learn from each other. This blog started as an outlet and what I ultimately called my “Warriors Journey.” It was a way to document the ups and downs of my life, sharing my hardships as well as my successes. It showcased the struggles, but more important the ways of how to overcome them. Although we are warriors each and every day, I realized that having to be a warrior, comes from a place of pain. I decided to rename this blog, and “Phoenix Rising” now stands for the story of overcoming such a painful place. My motivation for this blog hasn’t changed and I hope to share inspiration and hope, to create a sense of belonging, a space of being heard, and connecting with like minded beings who instill a sense of oneness. We are never alone, and we are unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire. Who I am in a nutshell... 
I am an energy healer and Reiki Master. I am surviving a chronic disease that I’ve sent into remission three times since my initial bout, 15 years ago. I continuously challenge the status quo and by doing so I change my stars. I am a believer that anything is possible. I am a hopeless romantic and I believe that true love exists on various levels. I am an optimist that will always see the glass as half full. I am a dreamer, believing in endless possibilities. Not even the sky is the limit. I have jumped off of the hamster wheel, and I am writing a new chapter. I am chasing my Nirvana to support my most authentic self. This is my story, I am that Phoenix and I am rising from the ashes. Namaste 🙏🏼💙🦋

14 thoughts on “The wounded Healer

  1. Another beautiful post, Rhapsody 🙂
    I became very happy for you, when you a time ago told, that you have gone through the Reiki 1 & 2. Those are powerful and do often demand more time to implement, than you should think, it would. One thing is learning, another is using the learned.
    I believe you, when you tell, that you needed another level of development to feel this right for you. As you describe it, we need to know darkness to view the light etc.
    Mostly healers have gone through more, than we should think, but that was their way to learn, what they later needed to use in their healing. This gives depth in the healing sessions.
    Good to read, that you are using your knowledge in Germany too. There you have lots of places to learn more and use the learned too.
    Few years ago, I talked with an Reiki Master through many years about learning Reiki. She told me, that this would be crazy, while I already used and still use the gemstones in my healing. I already had the knowledge, she told me, and didn’t need more than that.
    A woman, as I do also appreciate, dear Rhapsody.
    Much love and healing for you ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are totally right with all you say and we all have the capabilities to heal ourselves already in us. We just need the knowledge of how to use it. I like to combine my Reiki with sound therapy and it is so soothing and lovely.
      Sending you rays of sunshine and much love and healing. ❤️

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Totally agree with this concept. I too am a reiki master and a lot of people I talk to about spirituality in general, especially the healing aspect, talk about the wounded healer. I also know I am one. This is a very good post.

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