Posted in Anxiety

Facing Monsters: Anxiety

You, the one who always gives so much, but seldom gets back the same efforts in return.

The one always willing to help, to lend a hand or an ear, but you who suffers in silence and alone.

You, who tries to understand, but always is left behind feeling misunderstood.

You, the one who is so carefully looking for cues on how to behave, just so you can be accepted.

You, the one who feels socially awkward, and has become a loner, feeling that you don’t fit in.

You, who needs to learn about your own divine beauty and the gifts you have to offer. To protect your energy….

It’s ok to cancel a commitment. It’s ok to not answer a call. It’s ok to want to be alone. It’s ok to take a day off. It’s ok to do nothing. It’s ok to speak up. It’s ok to be yourself. It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to stand up for your beliefs. It’s ok to let go.


We are the co-creators of our life and the time is now. More than ever are we needed to support Mother Earth and each other. Together we discover and explore our unique gifts in times of strengths, in times we lean on each other, and in times when we learn from each other. This blog started as an outlet and what I ultimately called my “Warriors Journey.” It was a way to document the ups and downs of my life, sharing my hardships as well as my successes. It showcased the struggles, but more important the ways of how to overcome them. Although we are warriors each and every day, I realized that having to be a warrior, comes from a place of pain. I decided to rename this blog, and “Phoenix Rising” now stands for the story of overcoming such a painful place. My motivation for this blog hasn’t changed and I hope to share inspiration and hope, to create a sense of belonging, a space of being heard, and connecting with like minded beings who instill a sense of oneness. We are never alone, and we are unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire. Who I am in a nutshell... 
I am an energy healer and Reiki Master. I am surviving a chronic disease that I’ve sent into remission three times since my initial bout, 15 years ago. I continuously challenge the status quo and by doing so I change my stars. I am a believer that anything is possible. I am a hopeless romantic and I believe that true love exists on various levels. I am an optimist that will always see the glass as half full. I am a dreamer, believing in endless possibilities. Not even the sky is the limit. I have jumped off of the hamster wheel, and I am writing a new chapter. I am chasing my Nirvana to support my most authentic self. This is my story, I am that Phoenix and I am rising from the ashes. Namaste 🙏🏼💙🦋

11 thoughts on “Facing Monsters: Anxiety

  1. Be well Rhapsody. To heal with your one’s own energy is to accept that we are in need of our own attention and self care, as much as anyone around us. We can only share that energy when we are filled and whole.

    I drew Seven of Pentacles for you for today… Perhaps this description has some meaning for you?

    The meaning of the Seven of Pentacles relates to investment and effort. It follows the Six of Pentacles which refers to the end of financial or material hardship. If you have been putting in time and effort in your work, it signifies that your efforts are paying off and they are going to pay off in the future as well.

    “If you are looking to invest, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that you are ready to put in a lot of effort, time and work into whatever you want to achieve. It reaffirms you of your long-term vision and helps to show that you are not confined to seeing results in the short term only. It shows how much you value the investment because of the effort that you are willing to put in.”

    Your time for regrouping and self healing is necessary for your goals.

    The full moon is strong tonight (19th Feb). After its influence (Supermoon) passes, you should find everything easier, kinder and less intense. 😊❤️💞

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You will overcome my sister. I think a lot of us are having wobbles right now. Those energies after the full moon are still fairly strong. The end of this month will bring in more normal and softer energies. Hopefully, the weird weather will also return to a more normal focus too… Everything is a bit out of whack right now.
        Big hug for you! 🤗💞

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      2. I think you are totally right and I want to say that I feel things slowly getting better. Of course it feels a bit like taking two steps forward and one back at times, but it is forward motion and slow is still making progress. Hugs ❤️

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  2. I read the following piece, Rhapsody, it’s great when things work out through persistence, patience and hard work. A family member who often does not even acknowledge my presence came to mind for me. Again, I don’t truly know the reasons, and sometimes it seems I’m powerless to stop the decline in our relationship. I benefitted from the affirmations here.

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